构建和开发 Magisk
- 支持的平台:
- Linux x64
- macOS x64 (Intel)
- macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon)
- Windows x64
- 仅 Windows: 启用开发者模式。因为需要支持符号链接。
- 安装 Python 3.8+:
- 在 Unix 上,使用您喜欢的软件包管理器安装 python3
- 在 Windows 上,在官方网站上下载并安装 Python 最新的版本。
请在安装过程中选择 “Add Python to PATH(将 Python 添加到 PATH)”。
- 在 Windows 上 :运行
pip install colorama
以安装 colorama
python 包
- 安装 Git:
- 在 Unix 上,使用您喜欢的软件包管理器安装 git
- 在 Windows 上,在官方网站上下载并安装最新的 Git 版本。
请确保在安装过程前 “启用符号链接”。
- 安装 Android Studio 并按照说明进行初始设置。
- 将环境变量
设置为 Android SDK 文件夹。此路径可以在 Android Studio 设置中找到。
- 设置 JDK:
- 建议的选项是将环境变量
设置为 Android Studio 的安装路径。构建脚本将自动查找并使用捆绑的 JDK。
- 您也可以自己设置 JDK 17,但本指南不再赘述。
- 克隆源代码:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk.git
- 运行
./build.py ndk
使用脚本下载并安装 NDK
- 要构建所有内容并创建最终的 Magisk APK,请运行
./build.py all
- 您还可以构建特定的子组件。调用
对于每个操作,使用 -h
访问帮助(例如 ./build.py binary -h
- 使用
配置构建。提供了示例 config.prop.sample
IDE 支持
- Magisk 的存储库可以作为一个项目直接使用 Android Studio 打开。
- 项目中的 Kotlin、Java、C++ 和 C 代码应该在 Android Studio 中得到适当的开箱即用的支持。
- 在处理原生(native)代码之前运行
./build.py binary
在 Android Studio 中开发 Rust
由于 Magisk NDK 软件包 ONDK(与 ./build.py ndk
一起安装的软件包)包含一个完全独立的 Clang + Rust 工具链,因此单独构建 Magisk 项目不需要配置工具链。但是,由于 Intellij Rust 插件的工作方式,您必须进行一些额外的设置才能使 Android Studio 与 Magisk 的 Rust 代码库一起使用:
- 安装官方 Rust 工具链管理器 rustup
- 链接 ONDK Rust 工具链并将其设置为默认值:
# 将 ONDK 工具链与名称“magisk”链接起来
rustup toolchain link magisk "$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/magisk/toolchains/rust"
# 设置为默认
rustup default magisk
- 在 Android Studio 中安装 Intellij Rust 插件
- 在 首选项(Preferences) > 语言和框架(Languages & Frameworks) > Rust 中,将
- 打开
,然后在“未找到 Cargo 项目(No Cargo projects found)”横幅中选择“附加(Attach)”
- 在发布版本中,Magisk 的 root 守护程序将使用对 Magisk APK 进行密钥签名的证书作为参考,拒绝并强制卸载任何不匹配的 Magisk 应用,保护用户免受恶意和未经验证的 Magisk APK 的侵害。
- 要在 Magisk 本身上进行任何开发,请切换到 官方调试版本并重新安装 Magisk 以关闭签名检查。
- 要分发使用您自己的密钥签名的自己的 Magisk 构建,请在
Building and Development
Setup Environment
- Supported platforms:
- Linux x64
- macOS x64 (Intel)
- macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon)
- Windows x64
- Windows only: Enable developer mode. This is required because we need symbolic link support.
- Install Python 3.8+:
- On Unix, install python3 using your favorite package manager
- On Windows, download and install the latest Python version on the official website.
Make sure to select “Add Python to PATH” during installation.
- (Optional on Windows): Run
pip install colorama
to install the colorama
python package
- Install Git:
- On Unix, install git with your favorite package manager
- On Windows, download the install the latest Git version on the official website.
Make sure to “Enable symbolic links” during installation.
- Install Android Studio and follow the instructions and go through the initial setup.
- Set environment variable
to the Android SDK folder. This path can be found in Android Studio settings.
- Setup JDK:
- The recommended option is to set environment variable
to the path where your Android Studio is installed. The build script will automatically find and use the bundled JDK.
- You can also setup JDK 17 yourself, but this guide will not cover the instructions.
- Clone sources:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk.git
- Run
./build.py ndk
to let the script download and install NDK for you
- To build everything and create the final Magisk APK, run
./build.py all
- You can also build specific sub-components; call
to see your options.
For each action, use -h
to access help (e.g. ./build.py binary -h
- Configure the build by using
. A sample config.prop.sample
is provided.
IDE Support
- The repository can be directly opened with Android Studio as a project.
- The Kotlin, Java, C++, and C code in the project should be properly supported in Android Studio out of the box.
- Run
./build.py binary
before working on native code, as some generated code is only created during the build process.
Developing Rust in Android Studio
Because the Magisk NDK package, ONDK (the one installed with ./build.py ndk
), contains a fully self contained Clang + Rust toolchain, building the Magisk project alone does not require configuring toolchains. However, due to the way the IntelliJ Rust plugin works, you’ll have to go through some additional setup to make Android Studio work with Magisk’s Rust codebase:
- Install rustup, the official Rust toolchain manager
- Link the ONDK Rust toolchain and set it as default:
# Link the ONDK toolchain with the name "magisk"
rustup toolchain link magisk "$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk/magisk/toolchains/rust"
# Set as default
rustup default magisk
- Install the Intellij Rust plugin in Android Studio
- In Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Rust, set
as the toolchain location
- Open
, and select “Attach” in the “No Cargo projects found” banner
Signing and Distribution
- In release builds, the certificate of the key signing the Magisk APK will be used by Magisk’s root daemon as a reference to reject and forcefully uninstall any non-matching Magisk apps to protect users from malicious and unverified Magisk APKs.
- To do any development on Magisk itself, switch to an official debug build and reinstall Magisk to turn off the signature check.
- To distribute your own Magisk builds signed with your own keys, set your signing configs in
- Check Google’s Documentation for more details on generating your own key.